Improve experience with right-to-left scripts

Are you using a right-to-left script (RTL) like Arabic, Hebrew, Persian or some other? We would like to improve your experience using diaspora* but unfortunately there is currently no active contributor who is able to help. Therefore we are looking for users and developers who can help us. Here are some things you could do:

Are you a user who has some suggestions how we could improve diaspora* for RTL scripts?

  • Please check the list of existing issues and check if these are still valid. If it hasn’t been mentioned in the discussion yet, please tell us how we could improve the user interface or the behavior of the software.
  • For specific suggestions please open a new issue on GitHub:
    It would be great if you could include a screenshot and describe how the website should look like or behave instead. Maybe even include some drawing with your suggestion. Before opening an issue please check the list of existing issues first, if someone else already reported the issue.
  • If you don’t want to create a new GitHub account or if you have some more general things to discuss you can use this thread.

Are you a webdeveloper with some knowledge about how to handle RTL scripts?