Let’s keep this thing going! The last post was 1 year ago!? Why cease making Diaspora more awesome?
@riderplus Because somebody has to code the darn thing, and Diaspora doesn’t have enough developers?
well, @brentbartlett, complaining doesn’t help anyone, does it??
Yet you did it in your previous post…
I fail to see where I complained, but yeah, Goob, with your conservative views on how things should look like, it’s probably really difficult that anything WILL be improved around here…
Ah, yes, always good to slip a personal insult in there, well done.
You may take it as a compliment, I called you a “conservative”, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. But you are insulting people with your attitude, just so you know. I read your comments - you like being a “killjoy” most of the time. If you find that useful and “open source”…I don’t. Sorry, but I can’t admire people that most of the time come with “impossible”, “not worthy”, “useless”. Maybe you’d realize: that’s your way of seeing Diaspora*'s progress…and that’s sad, isn’t it?
Why so serious ? O__O
Chill please…
Does anyone know if this is still likely, e.g. if federated messaging is moving forward?
Our friends will only switch to diaspora if there are groups!
Thanks for your work…
It’ll happen one day, when someone steps forward to create it.
If you really really want this feature, you could consider adding a bounty on it! https://www.bountysource.com/teams/diaspora
Any news on this?
How are aspects different from groups ? or would having groups mean people don’t need to use specific #tags. ?.
While I know this is not priority, I would still like to know if there was any progress with this or has this feature been abandoned?
It hasn’t been abandoned, but to my knowledge it was never taken up as a project by any developer.
The project’s core developers continue to work hard on improving the core aspects of the software, such as the federation code, and really big, key features such as account migration. A feature such as this requires someone or a group of people from the community who want it to step forward and implement it.
The recent upgrade in the federation code provides better support for features such as events and, I think, groups, so it should now be easier than it was to create this feature. I’m sure anyone who attempted this would get good support from the core team.
We can just all hope someone decides to implement it.
It is a feature that would bring much more people onboard since groups on diaspora could serve as a shadow group for existing groups on FB, without the fear of censorship by FB. In time, as FB grows more restrictive, and enough people on FB get fed up with its policies, hopefully the switch to diaspora will occur.
I’m talking just regular groups in regular countries, not even considering the countries where there’s no free speech at all.
If you want to encourage a developer to take on this feature rather than something else, you could contribute a bounty to the issue: https://www.bountysource.com/issues/25215034-implement-groups
Just now saw this thread and am new here and am trying to get an understanding of the technical challenges behind getting this implemented. It seems to me that the real underlying problem is that there’s not a good way to ensure the same copy of a discussion across pods, i.e. it’s entirely possible that a conversation could not get successfully replicated across all instances; or worse, get forked by unsuccessful replication?
is this correct? I’m also trying to get a sense of how Ruby and Ruby On Rails works. I’ve done some .NET C# programming, but not a web programmer by any measure. I’m interested in decentralized social networks and want to contribute.
The lack of this feature seems to be the number 1 reason for people not to step over from Facebook to discord. I’ve been trying to convince people for some time now, but almost all of them are connect to others via various private or public groups.