Adopt a versioning scheme and release cycle

get over it, nobody read it :stuck_out_tongue:

“The version is prefixed with another number which will be increased at community decision instead of a major release. This is to avoid a false sense of rapid development and increasing stability while still maintaining a meaning in the version number changes from the start.”

Ah must admit I didn’t read it. OK so I agreed. Proposals are only valid until another proposal is accepted (if we want to be rude we can…).

Anyway, if we don’t want to be rude, just saying now that I don’t think this is a good idea after all. It doesn’t follow good practices that have been found to work well in the software world. Take anyone from the internet who knows semver and give them our version number and they will think we haven’t even reached the first minor version yet. It just doesn’t look good IMHO.

Did someone actually read that paragraph of the proposal and agrees to it? Then it is fine to me - I just assume there was a big misunderstanding here and that we should follow major.minor.patch as most of the projects on in the world (pure semver or not).

Jason, you are welcome to write a proposal if you think something needs to be improved. We’re a FOSS project, not The United States Congress. Change for the sake of improvement is the very nature of good development.

I just want to clear what I thought was a misunderstanding :slight_smile: I don’t have a big fuss with the deal now that I know it was actually in the proposal. Still, I don’t look forward to telling everyone who I talk about Diaspora* to that “no the version number is so small because we decided, not because it implies the state of the software”, done a few of those already…

I won’t fuss with a proposal to change if no one else agrees with my view. And if no one agrees, I will promise not to talk about it any more :stuck_out_tongue:

Perhaps the first figure could be substituted for a letter to signify community decision rather than a major release. So we would now be on A1.1.2 (I think). Either that or just drop that variable from the version numbers. Or leave it as it is.

I don’t disagree with you, Jason, and others may feel the same way. My point is, you’re not going to know the true value of some ideas without discussing/proposing it. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised. You can’t objectively know whether an idea will be supported or not without giving it a good shot. And if things stay the same, that’s okay, too.

Consensus isn’t about steering a project by majority rule; it’s about figuring out good compromises that everyone can more or less say “I’m okay with this, it’s been on my mind too, let’s do it and see how it works out.”

The point of prefixing is perception. With the first major feature added we need to bump the major release and would reach 1.0. And more people will think “Oh, it’s stable now” then “Oh, they added a major feature because they’re following SemVer”. It’s just to prevent false sense of progress and stability where there’s none.

Well, actually:

"Major version zero (0.y.z) is for initial development. Anything may change at any time. The public API should not be considered stable.

Version 1.0.0 defines the public API. The way in which the version number is incremented after this release is dependent on this public API and how it changes."

So I’d say 1.0 would very much be up to us to define - software doesn’t just jump there without it being declared stable :wink:

But let’s keep things as they are. If someone else raises the same concerns as I do at some point we can discuss more :slight_smile:

My 2 cents : i don’t want to see a 1 in the major version number until there still is bugs known but not fixed :slight_smile:

By the way, we need a place to post changelog of every version, and maybe not only in the wiki (or, at least, make a direct link from Diaspora to this page). This page already exists somewhere ? Where is the current draft of the v0.0.2.0 changelog ?
