Diaspora at RailsGirls Summer of Code



They already have coach to support them in Mumbai,

Who are they?

@flaburgan http://teams.railsgirlssummerofcode.org/teams/10

Hmm, according to their blog they have changed their project idea and are no longer working on Diaspora - is that correct? http://defendingdiaspora.wordpress.com/2013/07/01/change-of-project-idea/

Aw no. :frowning: I wonder what caused them to change their idea?

we had a short IRC session on monday. the students said they feel diaspora is too complicated and they contacted the rails girls organization if they could switch to an easier project.
it’s unfortunate, but understandable, to be honest…

That’s a shame.

Are you sure you didn’t frighten them, Florian? :wink:

what’s up with the other diaspora team? http://teams.railsgirlssummerofcode.org/teams/15

they have been seen on IRC and they just yesterday got their dev environment set up :wink:

You can follow their work on their blog: https://n-1.cc/blog/group/1689370/all


Hi! We met jaywink at #diaspora-dev and he was kind enough to direct us here. My partner and I are interested to work on Diaspora for this year’s rgsoc and are looking for coach/mentors.

@ginie does something changed since last year? Could you summarize what will you mentor have to do?

I guess, like last year, that only @florianstaudacher (Raven24) and @jonnehass would have enough rails experience to mentor you, maybe @fabianrbz too but no idea if he is available.

Nice Conversation. Now I can do stuff too.