Diaspora crashes following server reboot

Following my initial installation, I was able to get an initial Diaspora page that did not format properly … probably due to a missing CSS. Rebooted the system in an attempt to load the proper style sheet, but following the reboot get repetitive entries in the Screen terminal window similar to the following:

I, [2020-07-10T15:57:09.163016 #4636] INFO – : [diaspora:web] switch :starting [:down => :starting] crashed
I, [2020-07-10T15:57:09.163279 #4636] INFO – : [diaspora:web] executing: bin/bundle exec unicorn -c config/unicorn.rb -D with start_timeout: 15.0s, start_grace: 2.5s, env: ‘RAILS_ENV=production PORT=’ (in /home/diaspora/diaspora)
I, [2020-07-10T15:57:23.729723 #4636] INFO – : [diaspora:web] sleeping for :start_grace 2.5
I, [2020-07-10T15:57:26.230316 #4636] INFO – : [diaspora:web] load_external_pid_file: pid_file found, but process <6234> not found
E, [2020-07-10T15:57:26.230468 #4636] ERROR – : [diaspora:web] exit status 1, process <6234> (from /home/diaspora/diaspora/tmp/pids/web.pid) was not found; ensure that the pid_file is being updated correctly (you should check the process logs ["/home/diaspora/diaspora/log/eye_processes_stdout.log", “/home/diaspora/diaspora/log/eye_processes_stderr.log”])
E, [2020-07-10T15:57:26.230540 #4636] ERROR – : [diaspora:web] process <> failed to start (:not_really_running)
I, [2020-07-10T15:57:26.230960 #4636] INFO – : [diaspora:web] switch :crashed [:starting => :down] crashed
I, [2020-07-10T15:57:26.231538 #4636] INFO – : [diaspora:web] schedule :check_crash (crashed)
I, [2020-07-10T15:57:26.231626 #4636] INFO – : [diaspora:web] <= restore
I, [2020-07-10T15:57:26.231701 #4636] INFO – : [diaspora:web] => check_crash (crashed)
W, [2020-07-10T15:57:26.231795 #4636] WARN – : [diaspora:web] check crashed: process is down
I, [2020-07-10T15:57:26.231893 #4636] INFO – : [diaspora:web] schedule :restore (crashed)
I, [2020-07-10T15:57:26.231977 #4636] INFO – : [diaspora:web] <= check_crash
I, [2020-07-10T15:57:26.232071 #4636] INFO – : [diaspora:web] => restore (crashed)
I, [2020-07-10T15:57:26.232259 #4636] INFO – : [diaspora:web] load_external_pid_file: pid_file found, but process <6234> not found

When I look for the missing pid file, there is no sidekiq1.pid file. The web.pid file exists but the opening web page will not load and the process crashes. I’m at a total loss how to fix this issue.

  1. What is the proper way to gracefully shut down diaspora*
  2. What might be done to stop the processes from crashing. I appreciate any suggestions you might have.