Diaspora* software release

Is anyone able to provide a likely ETA for those remaining issues?

Sorry I had a more busy weekend than I had planned so didnā€™t get to do the RC branch yet. I will do it and promote it tomorrow evening if all goes well.

OK now there is a release/ branch available. Iā€™ll compile a message a bit later and send out, for pods to test. Need to add some warning text to the changelog as well.

For adding fixes to the RC - Iā€™d suggest we donā€™t merge anything to the RC branch unless it concerns the last remaining 3 issues or some other regression in 0.5. Anything else, it would be nice to get a few core devs agreement before cherry-picking commits to the release. Iā€™ll happily do that on request.

This also means merging for next-next is open, if something is waiting for that :slight_smile:

Awesome, thank you Jason :slight_smile:

Draft post on the pad: http://pad.spored.de/p/release_notes

OK to promote? Any additions, missing stuff, etc?

@goob any chance you can review the announcement before we post it?

Has anyone else anything to say?

Iā€™ll have a look now.

Awesome. As soon as it is ready, I think Iā€™ll post it first on diasporaforum.org (someone wants to do it on Google Group please?). Maybe some podmins will then try to upgrade an give us feedback. After that, Iā€™ll post it on diaspora HQ.

Looking good! Have made a few changes. Please check I havenā€™t introduced any errors on the technical side.

Nice, posted on the diasporaforum.org

diaspora-fr.org and diasp.net switched to 0.5. Those were pods running the dev branch so we didnā€™t learn from these upgrades.

https://diasp.ca/ also upgraded, I donā€™t know if this pod was running the develop branch, I will try to contact the podmin.

He answered: https://diaspora-fr.org/posts/1150858

Those were pods running the dev branch so we didnā€™t learn from these upgrades.

Is anyone running the stable code on a production pod likely to update to a buggy release candidate? I would have thought all the testers would be those already running develop. Surely thereā€™s still useful feedback to be gained from those pods. If we canā€™t learn from those pods, there would probably not be much point in a release candidate.

If we do need production pods running stable to update, perhaps we should include that in the release announcement.

Shared with diaspora HQ: https://joindiaspora.com/posts/5865715

Well done.

ps: one pod running 0.4.x is updating to the RC: https://pod.orkz.net/posts/1968370

Just shouted out with the official non-d* social media accounts - just for some buzz :slight_smile:

More feedback: https://iliketoast.net/posts/569515

It seems so far the main issues are:

  • DB migrations being super slow
  • Upgrade instructions not being followed

Also another: https://iliketoast.net/posts/569232

SetMysqlToUnicodeMb4: migrated (580.1959s)

That one MySQL migration is super slowā€¦ that pod has 124 users in total. I wonder how long it will take to run the migration on some really big pod? I suppose larger pods have more powerful DB engines so canā€™t just count pod sizeā€¦ still, we should place a big warning in the announcement that database migration can take a loooong time.