[FR/EN] Plantage quand le chat est activé / Crash when chat is enable

Salut tout le monde,

Allez un nouveau billet pour avancer sur mon installation du Tchat/XMPP. Après avoir finalisé mon installation de Prosody (voir le ticket précedent) ça ne fonctionne toujours pas !

Yep ! Let’s write a new thread on the progress of my chat/xmpp setup. After ending the installation of Prosody without error (see my precedent thread) it’s still not working !

Quand j’active le tchat dans mon fichier diaspora.yml et démarre diaspora* ça donne ça :
When i enable chat in my diaspora.yml file and lauch “./script/server” it give that :

I, [2020-01-16T18:43:21.526082 #58601] INFO – : [diaspora:xmpp] sleeping for :start_grace 2.5
I, [2020-01-16T18:43:24.026717 #58601] INFO – : [diaspora:xmpp] switch :started [:starting => :up] crashed
I, [2020-01-16T18:43:24.026938 #58601] INFO – : [diaspora:xmpp] <= restore
W, [2020-01-16T18:43:29.027226 #58601] WARN – : [diaspora:xmpp] check_alive: process <58797> not found
I, [2020-01-16T18:43:29.027355 #58601] INFO – : [diaspora:xmpp] delete pid_file: /home/diaspora/diaspora/tmp/pids/xmpp.pid
I, [2020-01-16T18:43:29.027654 #58601] INFO – : [diaspora:xmpp] switch :crashed [:up => :down] crashed
I, [2020-01-16T18:43:29.027966 #58601] INFO – : [diaspora:xmpp] schedule :check_crash (crashed)
I, [2020-01-16T18:43:29.028097 #58601] INFO – : [diaspora:xmpp] => check_crash (crashed)
W, [2020-01-16T18:43:29.028130 #58601] WARN – : [diaspora:xmpp] check crashed: process is down
I, [2020-01-16T18:43:29.028150 #58601] INFO – : [diaspora:xmpp] schedule :restore (crashed)
I, [2020-01-16T18:43:29.028172 #58601] INFO – : [diaspora:xmpp] <= check_crash
I, [2020-01-16T18:43:29.028186 #58601] INFO – : [diaspora:xmpp] => restore (crashed)
I, [2020-01-16T18:43:29.128421 #58601] INFO – : [diaspora:xmpp] load_external_pid_file: pid_file not found
I, [2020-01-16T18:43:29.128695 #58601] INFO – : [diaspora:xmpp] switch :starting [:down => :starting] crashed
I, [2020-01-16T18:43:29.129387 #58601] INFO – : [diaspora:xmpp] daemonizing: bin/bundle exec rails runner Prosody.start with start_grace: 2.5s, env: ‘RAILS_ENV=production’, <58814> (in /home/diaspora/diaspora)

Bref ça crash en boucle !!

So it’s crashing in loop !

Podmaster dicespora.net

You forgot your English version, which is kinda bad, since this is an English discourse. :wink:

In any way, please note that the chat is deprecated, already removed in develop, and will be gone in the next major release of diaspora*. Please read Removing diaspora*s current chat integration for details.

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Hello Dennis,
You’re right i forgot the english version, i push the button “publish” too fast ^^ but i make a special effort to write in french too because some French users stay down because they cannot find support in French.
Would it be possible to create a dedicated channel in French ?

Nice to meet you, and thanks to gave me the solution to my problems ^^ No more chat no more problems in fact :frowning:

There is a french community IRC channel #diaspora-fr on freenode, check the wiki for more details.

As for Discourse, the answer is that yes, we could, but we won’t. We had discussions about that before, and unfortunately, we don’t think that’s viable. Offering people a place to talk in their mother tongue would be nice, but it creates a couple of challenges. First, the team is only able to understand a small set of languages, and we would not be able to moderate posts in other languages, which is an issue. Also, most of the responses to questions here is from a fixed set of people, who also are unable to speak some languages. So posting in everyone’s mother tongue would end in a lot of people never getting a reply, which would be sad.

Because of that, we decided to run this community English-only. Generally, the English language can sustain lots of errors, and even a really broken English is understandable to most. So it’s better to just try, or to use one of the automated translation tools.