Having an "Events" Option In Diaspora

Did you consider searching for existing discussions before posting?

Here are three:

  1. Event function for Diaspora?
  2. Concept for events in Diaspora
  3. Add support for events in diaspora

Reading these, and the existing GitHub issue, will give you an idea of where things stand. The latest is that the necessary groundwork for features such as events has now been completed with the release of Federation 0.2.0. It now requires a developer to decide to work on an events feature; there is nothing to prevent them doing that.

Please do use the search (magnifying glass icon, top right) before starting a new discussion. From our guide to using Discourse:

Although Discourse can be useful for discussing features for the app, please don’t use Discourse discussions as features wish-lists. In most cases, the reason that diaspora* doesn’t have the features you want to see is because of a lack of developers to create them, or in some cases because other hurdles need to be overcome in the software before such a feature could be successfully implemented.

Before starting a discussion in Discourse, please check for existing discussions on the same topic. You can use the search facility in the header bar for this.


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