Help finding a pod and understanding moderation

The username explains it. I’m Jewish and would really just like to avoid nazis (also avoiding racists, violent misogynists, fascists, and other authoritarian-apologists would be nice, but I’ll start small). From my understanding of Diaspora* based on its outreach, I thought that it tried to avoid this stuff. I tried to join a certain pod that is hosted in DE/Germany. From the barebones stats available on and it looked like a healthy, growing pod. When I got on, I couldn’t find “Terms of Service” in the sidebar, nor could I learn how to block/report people based on the wiki (on the site, I see the ‘ignore’ feature; is this it?). I naively hoped maybe none of this would be necessary soon and I could figure out block/report down the road.

Based on outreach from Diaspora* and my understanding of German laws, I did not expect the #jewish tag to be clogged up by a user spewing the antisemitic end of QAnon. I have done a bit of (painful) investigating and saw that this (German) user is hosted on a different pod (in France…). Is there any way to avoid users of this sort besides “ignoring” them one-by-one? I have already left a job, left other social media, nearly left 2 schools as a kid, etc. due to nazism and other bigotry. When I get on social media, I want to relax, see silly stuff or pictures or cute animals or talk with friends (tv, philosophy, whatever) or engage with my culture/religion without giant corporations scooping up my data. Not encounter someone proud to be the “most blocked user” with basically porn and hatred for who I was born as all over their account.

I am generally in favor of free-speech, but not when it’s done with clear malintent. I have engaged with people with all sorts of out-there and at times nerve-wracking (for me!) beliefs, but I don’t want to see threats against myself all the time, especially when I have no way of knowing whether people could try to doxx me, etc.

I’d hoped Diaspora*, especially DE-hosted pods, would be a safe place to be myself, even if speech might be a bit more limited than I would prefer*. (*I don’t know how far Germany’s antinazism laws go.) Is there any way to block stuff flagged as NSFW and/or antisemitism/racism/etc. either within a pod or by joining a different pod?

I’d like to encourage friends to make the “jump” to Diaspora* and other alternative sites, but can’t do so in good conscience when that’s one of the first things I saw. Would those editing Diaspora’s structure consider finding a way to include modmin descriptors of pods, user ratings/descriptions of pods, or flagging options. I’m not a coder but would be honored to support however I can.

Am I welcome on any pods with who I am? Does anyone have any advice? If some of these ideas/concerns deserve a post of their own, let me know and I’ll split them off.

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Found your post today,
I am sorry to hear that you have the feeling that on (some) pods nobody really cares about what ist written. Diaspora* was meant to be a kindly place where people are kind to each other, but some people feel more important than others and do not respect each other.
But some other podmins taker their responsibilities serious and have a Terms&Conditions with a clear message. (Geraspora for example)
My pod ( also takes any report very serious and hives the Inviolability of the dignity higher than what others call: “free speech”.

So my final advice is: Report any post to the pods operator if you feel hurt in any way. Even on an alternative network there are borders. If operators don’t care, take another pod.

I speak only for myself, not for diaspora* as a network at all or for any podmin.