How to make Diaspora* viral

Isn’t that the kind of underhand trick for which people lambast the likes of Facebook? I don’t think it would give the signal at all that Diaspora respects people’s data and their choices, which is the signal we ought to be giving out.

Actually that is the message I thought this feature would communicate :slight_smile:
Diaspora already has a Facebook integration which allows users to create posts on fb. My suggestion is to allow users to “crypt” their posts on fb if they want to share information with friends on fb without putting the whole information on fb servers. FB friends see an excerpt of your post, follow the link and view the information on diaspora and your data stays on your pod. It would display the diaspora user as a data privacy aware social media user.

Right on, man.

I would much rather see two-way communication between Diaspora and Facebook, but I’m not sure if that’s feasible.

It can. In theory, d* is already able to post on Facebook and FB streams do have RSS feeds. It is just about implementing an RSS reader for FB into d*.

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How to make diaspora* “viral”? A full-featured native application for smartphones with instant messaging and push notifications.

Also a bit more centralized branding, such as re-opening Turning it into a freemium service à la would not be bad for funding either.

Creating Groups and inviting organizations like the Fedora community to migrate from Google+ communities.

Target diaspora* to about-14-year-olds. Adapt the feature set accordingly (to make the network safer for kids).

Encourage the creation of pages and the establishment of brands (inviting schools, organizations, companies, etc.)

Local-focused features. That means things like events, restaurant ratings, local discovery, etc. Localization sharing.

Better photo managing and sharing. Allow hosted images to be commented upon, liked, reshared alone.

Auto-update hashtags. By default put a “Trending” section where users can see the trending hashtags from the whole federation.


Of course, these are suggestions for a “viral” social network and not for a social network focused on privacy and decentralization. Honestly, none of the people I know really care about privacy nor decentralization. And these are the people who must be convinced in order to make diaspora* truly viral.

However, I do not thing that current diaspora* users would really want the federation to become viral. Google+ changed completely when it started integrating comments into YouTube. Trolls and spammers became abundant. That can be viewed as a “flood” by the “first generation”. And then the posts become more and more like those on Facebook.

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I agree that an RSS feed in diaspora would be a beautiful decision.

Any possibility of taking into account an enterprise demographic? That would certainly help, and would be more likely to attract skilled programmers too.

What are some really crazy outside of the box ideas for spreading diaspora?

Let’s rent a huge fucking 60kW directed energy weapon from the US Navy and etch “diaspora*” into the moon

Anyway, I’m willing to put quite a bit of effort into this. I know some of you guys might not want diaspora* to go viral, but it’s more important than that. The work we’re putting into this is so meaningful.

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Does that RSS feed really contain direct messages and all that private stuff? I had the impression that Facebook is blocking the kind of federation we want on purpose because they want all eyes and data on their advertisement/surveillance platform.

Well you’re aware that @augier wrote that three and a half years ago right @mrfrety?

So is your question how facebook handles it now or how it handled it then when the comment was written? (I have no answer on neither but… someone who likes to answer should know it)

Currently, you can basically only access your own public posts in rss format. Even for that, you need the external provider … Doesn’t really add anything to the cross-posting app IMHO…

Can we rivive this thread ontopic again? IMO it would be good to get some consensus on how to stimulate the use of Diaspora.
There already are some great suggestions like making the signup process easier.
Another thing would be the choice of the pod you create an account on.
third I would suggest to, instead of let new people add some tags to follow, create a list with well known subjects that can be added by just selecting them. Selecting from a list is always easier than having to come up with subjects yourself.
Maybe some subjects like #newhere #diaspora etc could be enabled by default?
The crucial point in starting diaspora is getting your stream filled.

I thought that would be handled by the community spotlight.

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Can you clarify that? My understanding is that there are 3 options to get your stream filled:

  • following users
  • following hashtags

When you know noone (as a starter) following users is not that obvious so posts from following users is not an option for first time users.
The other option: following hashtags CAN be an option to get new users going. and that is what I suggested as point 3.

The community spotlight is a feature that populates your stream with posts from people selected by your podmin. Your podmin needs to have enabled this feature, and then it is available in the user settings. See

Of course, if your pod is new, then as podmin you won’t be seeing the posts in order to add people to the community spotlight list! So it’s not necessarily a solution for new pods.

Thnx for that. Didn’t know about the spotlight feature. Is there a link how to enable this? I have a starting pod and it is beginning to get populated with new accounts. I might want to enable this on my pod.

It’s all done via config/diaspora.yml. And the wiki is your friend: FAQ for pod maintainers.

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Is this a typo in the faq:

I take it that this should be:
Role.add_spotlight Person.where(diaspora_handle: “username@pod.tld”).first.person #

I think the .person fell off due to text alignment?