Leaving diaspora

Hi, unfortunately, I am not getting any value from having a diaspora account and would therefore like to delete my account. I can’t find any information on how to do this. Could anyone offer assistance? Thanks in advance.

Go to the top right corner on your profile image. In the dropdown select “settings” and at the very bottom of the next page click on “close account” (should be a red button).

Also, FYI, there is a short description at our user FAQ on the topic: https://wiki.diasporafoundation.org/FAQ_for_users#How_do_I_delete_my_seed_.28account.29.3F

Thanks for that. Sorry. I must be being thick. I can’t find how to get to my settings page?? I can only find preferences from my profile??

If you’re using the desktop interface, click on your name/avatar at the right of the header bar. Settings is the third item in the list, two below Profile.

If you’re using the mobile interface, click the drawer icon (three horizontal lines) at the right of the header bar. Settings is towards the bottom of the list.

If you’re using an app to access Diaspora, you’ll have to contact the makers of the app, as they might not have added this functionality yet. In that case, access your account through a browser and all will be fine. (If you have been using an app, the lack of value you’ve got from Diaspora might be related to its limited functionality; you might get a richer experience by using the website through a browser.)

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