Mark notification as read as soon as the post is liked or commented

Whenever someone posts something (with a mention to me, of course) and I liked it or comment it, it really annoys me that the notification isn’t marked as read.

So it would be a huge usability improvement for me if the notification was marked as read as soon as I interacted with the post in one way or the other.

Note: This discussion was imported from Loomio. Click here to view the original discussion.

The notification should be marked as read as soon as you open it in the single post view. (If it is not that would be a bug) When you comment on a post or like it, it might be the case that you saw a version without the most recent likes/comments and thus you would be interested in a notification telling you that there is new stuff to look at. This is why I don’t think that we should mark notifications as read as soon as you interact with the post.

When you comment on a post or like it, it might be the case that you saw a version without the most recent likes/comments and thus you would be interested in a notification telling you that there is new stuff to look at. This is why I don’t think that we should mark notifications as read as soon as you interact with the post.

The notification that ‘X has mentioned you in a post’ could safely be marked as read. Further notifications about comments on that post need not be marked as read until the post has been opened.