Notification when status message or comment has been deleted by a podmin

As a diaspora* user I want to get a notification, if one of my status messages or comments has been deleted by a podmin, because I want to know when one of my contributions is deleted.

This adds more transparency and helps users to understand why their text has been removed.

Acceptance Criteria:
When a user (A) creates a status message (S) and a podmin § deletes S with the reason ®, A receives a notification, which includes R.

When a user (A) creates a status message (S) and A deletes S, A does not receive any notifications.

When a user (A) creates a comment © and a podmin § deletes C with the reason ®, A receives a notification, which includes R.

When a user (A) creates a comment © and A deletes C, A does not receive any notifications.

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I would also like to have this feature. It might be necessary to bear in mind that there might sometimes be a need for podmins to not share all the details about the reasons (I’m not sure, but there could be legal issues in some jurisdictions?), but this of course would be possible.