Open source Module which is feeded from Diaspora

Hi Diaspora team,

I am a Java developer and I am interested in develop the next feature:

  1. Module which connect with the Dias Api, and retrieve the number of likes, the comments and shares of all the posts in a profile I created. Could you explain me please, how should I connect with that methods, I have already forked with the Diaspora Github repository, but I dont l know from where should I retrieve the data.

  2. I am new with Diaspora, and I would like to understand better how it works. For example, I have created the site of my project, and I would like create topics inside it like

    rabbits(only of my farm)

#trees (only from my farm)

Is that possible? I mean to create tags which only belongs to my main page.

I would like to keep this code in my own repository, like a Diaspora plugin. But not beloging to the Dias project, but as a diferent open source resource (I am not sure about this, we are an NGO and we need to met some requirement with the rigths, maybe it couldbelonge to Diaspora…etc).

Is all that posible? Thanks!!

Regards, Isaac

Note: This discussion was imported from Loomio. Click here to view the original discussion.

Hi Isaac,

Loomio is a tool to help the Diaspora community decide on the future direction of the project and development. It’s not a place to request individual help. Have a look at our guide to how we communicate - I suggest the mailing list or, failing that, the IRC channel.

Ok thanks a lot!!