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Regarding Android/iOS: We don’t have official libraries yet, but we’re working on some. We realize that is extremely important.

That being said, Persona works fine in Android or iOS apps currently. You’d need to open a WebView, and then execute some JavaScript manually, and the dialog would give you an assertion, just like in a browser. Our libraries would hopefully do that part for you.

@flaburgan I’m just saying the current system requires passwords. not like we can’t change that, but perhaps it’s a big pain in the ass? I actually don’t know for certain.

@seanmcarthur First of all, thanks for joining us on Loomio! Second, thank you for making Persona because it’s a REALLY cool idea. Glad to know your native libraries are under way, and in the meantime we can leverage a UIWebView to handle oauth-style authentication with the app(s). Looking more into Persona, it seems we can use this under the right circumstances. Do people need to “log in” every time they open the DIASPORA app? So in other words, is it okay for apps to store a single email so people can just open the app and log in?

Other than that, it seems like Persona functions very similar to OAuth, except it’s decentralized. Awesome! :slight_smile:

@tomscott I don’t understand your question clearly. They need to login each time the session says it’s too old. That’s up to each website.

Are you hoping to use Persona to log into your own Diaspora account, or to use your Diaspora identity as the thing you log in with everywhere else on the Internet?

From the conversations I’ve seen regarding, their goal was to have your Tent (/Diaspora, assuming you guys build on top of each other) identity be the way you log into other websites. So, when The Verge asks you to login, the Persona dialog asks for your identity, and you enter/select your Diaspora email, and your Diaspora server tells The Verge “yes, this is Tom, and here’s proof.”