When will the API be done?

Dead serious. You asked for a reliable estimate, and I told you that if I work 2 months full-time on the API, it will be done. Maybe I only need 2 weeks. Who knows. You wanted an estimate because you are not happy with "it’s done when it’s done’, you got an estimate.

Absolutely not, and in fact, I don’t have anything to do with the recent API progress at all. But you asked for an estimate. :wink:

You clearly didn’t get my point. This project is driven by people who do this work in their free time, without getting paid, and without any pressure. That’s how open source projects work. The side effect of that is, that I, as a kinda-project-manager, can provide absolutely no estimate of when a given task is done, because I am unable to tell people when they have to work, and thus I am unable to estimate how many hours per week I can calculate with. So, no, nobody will give you an estimate unless we have reliably working full-time staff, and you have to deal with that.

That does, by no means, equal to “it will never be done”. What you seem to be missing is the simple fact that diaspora* already managed to deliver more than anyone can build on their own. Right now, the project consists of approximately ~220.000 lines of code, and if we’re going by the approx. yearly dev-productivity of 3k LOC, that’s more than 73 years worth of development time. Now, cut that in half because some of this code is auto-generated, that’s still 36.5 years worth of effort. If we’d have to pay for that, diaspora*, for sure, would be a multi-million dollar software project. But that’s the fun of open source projects, lot’s of people get lots of things done. But don’t expect people to commit to anything, because that’s now how any of this works.