A step-by-step Installation Guide?

Is there a non-tech-savvy “diaspora for dummies” script for installing diaspora on my computer? I have a domain name and a dedicated HDD for storage.

I would want my Terms of Service to be a little different … no porn, no antisemitism, “podmin is a right-wingnut so no socialism, communism, anarchy, etc” kind of thing. Can that be written in?


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If you don’t understand the official install docs, you should not run a pod, as there will be points where you need to understand the internals. There is no simple script.

If you want to run a “right-wing” diaspora pod, then please share the URL here so that everyone can block you - that’d make life a lot easier.

If you want to run a “right-wing” diaspora pod, then please share the URL here so that everyone can block you - that’d make life a lot easier.

LOL I knew that would get a rise out of someone. It was a joke, but this isn’t the place for that. My apologies.

However, this does bring up an interesting point: Blocking entire instances because they may hold ideals (political, financial, societal, whatever) that disagree with yours.

By proposing to block a pod before it’s even created, you demonstrate one major reason why the Fediverse can never really succeed.

This is what I was hoping for. Everyone agreed it was a great idea at the time, but it went nowhere in all that time.