Hello, I open my first discussion here
Some D* accounts could be used as mini-blog (like FB “pages”). However the push protocol makes it difficult :
All the public posts on a pod A account can be seen by non members at the pod-adress/u/name but it can’t be interacted with (like, comment…)
If someone on pod B start to follow the account on pod A (adding it to an aspect) and try to open the profile page of the account of pod A from the pod B he will see no past posts, only the new ones (posted after he started to follow) : there is the problem I had.
I suggest to implement a pull by an account on pod B of posts (all or only the ones that are asked to be dispayed depending on how far back the user scroll back in the posts stream) from an account on pod A only if the account on pod B open the profil page of the account on pod A.
I do not see any server overcharge that would otherwise be caused by a generalized pull methods because in this case it would be on case per case basis, as the user chose to go on a profile page, but maybe I am wrong ?
Note: This discussion was imported from Loomio. Click here to view the original discussion.