Blog post to explain diaspora*'s source code

I’ve started to write a blog post to explain the source code to those who want to contribute to diaspora* here.

As I’ve still few knowledges about the source code, I’m asking for help to write it. Eventually, it will be published on

Note: This discussion was imported from Loomio. Click here to view the original discussion.

I think it would be better to enhance the wiki with that information.

Look at this:

This is half-way to what you are doing - maybe edit that wiki-post or add some more? Blogs are a format where posts are linked to a certain time … and will fade out of perception when new ones are added. Therefore a wiki is much better suited.

Nothing prevent me for doing both. For now, it is just writing.
Just, a blog post let me adopt a less formal style and be more extensive on certain subject that wouldn’t be covered by the wiki (Rails MVC pattern, for instance).

Maybe we should publish such blog posts here? You can use informal language on the official blog, I guess? A bit of “centralisation” would help people find the information more easily, and it would reach a wider audience.

@dumitruursu I don’t think so… the blog is meant for people who are interested in the project or general announcements - and they don’t necessarily understand programming things or are interested in it.

I think that information is better posted somewhere a developer would look or will stumble upon it if interested in the project.

A bit of “centralisation” would help people find the information more easily, and it would reach a wider audience.

This is why the project set up a planet :wink:

… if only the planet had blog sources…

Well currently, there’s no post on :stuck_out_tongue:
I have not worked on the post since I opened the subject. I am too busy with school :frowning:
Any help is appreciated.