What’s up with that platform? In order to organize and focus on important work I suggest closing that site entirely.
It’s yet another platform with the core-team not involved and not really contributing anything useful or helping getting actual work done.
Maybe I’m missing something - I just stumbled upon that site and thought it wasn’t really helpful.
More opinions?
Note: This discussion was imported from Loomio. Click here to view the original discussion.
(Jonne Haß)
January 6, 2013, 12:00am
From what I’ve heard they abandoned that platform and were unable to delete their account there.
January 6, 2013, 12:00am
Yep, nobody is using getsatisfaction anymore, but even if someone contact the admins of the site, the account was not deleted.
There’s no easy way to close down the old GetSatisfaction. Kind of a frustrating design approach, IMO.
Frustrating is a mild explanation for that design approach. This is ridiculous. Hm, if I find some time I’ll write the GS managers.
August 24, 2013, 12:00am
we really want to reduce the number of tools we’d have to spread out our resources to…
I wish we could, we tried 2 years ago to delete it but they would not
For me Getsatisfaction has one big advantage over Loomio - ideas can be voted up (giving a star) and prioritized that way.
I’m all for centralising the decision making, especially if we can delete platforms that are not taken care of, but I agree with Maciek: GetSatisfaction is awesome in prioritising what matters to people.
Is there an kind of extension on Loomio to add this feature?