I just finished the setup of my Diaspora Pod on my VPS under Debian 10.
All seems to be ok but when i go on my domain name via my browser i’ve a 502 error (Bad Gateway).
In my /etc/nginx/log/dspr-error.log i’ve a line i don’t understand :
2019/12/18 09:01:54 [crit] 1868#1868: *24161 connect() to unix:/home/diaspora/diaspora/tmp/diaspora.sock failed (2: No such file or directory) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: www.mydomain.org, request: “GET / HTTP/1.1”, upstream: “http://unix:/home/diaspora/diaspora/tmp/diaspora.sock:/”, host: “web.mypferdefutter.com”
It is hard to give definitive answer but basically your web server says it can’t connect to Diaspora server.
Is Diaspora server running? How do you start it (by default it is done by running ./script/server which has to be kept running)? Did you change the mode of operation (socket vs. port) in diaspora.yml?
I, [2019-12-19T09:11:33.823379 #128828] INFO – : [diaspora:sidekiq:sidekiq1] switch :crashed [:up => :down] crashed
Your sidekiq process crash everytime diaspora* try to start it and finally give up. Would you mind providing your sidekiq log ? (probably in (/home/diaspora/diaspora/log/sidekiq.log)
I’m following the Angristan’s tuto from the scratch, but i’m stoppped at the point where in need to install bundle with the next lines under diaspora profile :
gem install bundler
But i’ve an answer “bash: gem: command not found”
Other thing i red in the tuto that the ruby version was 2.4.3, but the 2.4.9 is available, can i install the latest stable version with these commands ? :
I tried to lauch the command “sudo gem install bundler” but the account diaspora has been created with the “–disabled-login” there’s no password to validate the sudo command.
I never had problems with the official guide even though it is for Debian 8.
But you have to follow it carefully, e.g. it matters under which user and in which directory commands are run.
In your case it is possible you are not running it under diaspora user and in diaspora directory (typically /home/diaspora/diaspora). If you do then please check the official guide in case you missed something.
i reinstall all from the scratch following the official guide but always the same error 502 Bad Gateway. I give you all infos you could need to find where i made a mistake. Big thanks for your help
Hopefully someone knowing the internals better checks this and gives some insights
However today I moved my pod to another server and I did this by setting up entirely fresh pod with the same URL and then replacing the DB and uploads folder.
I followed the official install guide and I also had Debian 10. The first time I tried it it failed similar to yours - everything seemed to be more or less okay except no connection to Diaspora server and no .sock file.
Then I just dropped the DB and did all the instructions from the install guide all over again from the start (over the existing installation without removing anything). I reinstalled Ruby and left Diaspora files from git in place too. And this time it worked even though I did all the same steps.
Maybe there is something buggy in there (but before it was rock solid, I installed Diaspora two times and it went without glitch).
I have no idea how this setting can affect pod startup, right now I have it set to false but I am pretty sure it worked as default too. Must be some bug.
Make sure to set up pod backups (DB, uploads folder, database.yml, diaspora.yml) and feel free to ask any other questions, we’ll try to help