How to add new profile fields?

Hi can someone please tell me how you add Profile info to the sidebar?
I have tried everything i can think of

I have
*edited sidebar template file
*added entry in the profile section of database
*added profile variables to multiple source files. models/profile.rb controllers/profiles_controller.rb and others.

What am i missing here?

Hi there,
I recommend you read the ā€˜getting startedā€™ tutorials series for new community members: Tutorials - The diaspora* Project
How to enter profile information is covered in part 1: ā€˜signing upā€™, under ā€˜registrationā€™. Thereā€™s also a section on how to manage your account information in part 7.
The technical people will, I think, tell you that you should never manually alter the database or other files in this way.
I hope that helps.

Iā€™m asking how you add new profile items that dont exist in Diaspora
Relationship status for example or maybe Ethnicity

How do i go about adding these.

Oh, right. Your post didnā€™t make that clear. Iā€™ll leave it for one of the developers to answer you.

Iā€™ve altered your thread title to something thatā€™s a bit clearer. I hope thatā€™s OK.

Alright thanks for your help

If itā€™s any use, it looks as though the display of profile fields is handled in app/views/profiles/_edit_private.haml

What youā€™d need to change to save info to the database and make these new field function, however, I couldnā€™t say. Someone else will be able to, though.

You canā€™t do that. Fields of your profile are hardcoded in the federation protocol. Even if you add some in your pod, they wonā€™t be shown to other people in other pod. The protocol would need to be extended for this. But you can simply use the ā€œbioā€ generic field of your profile, there are 65535 characters available here, that should be enoughā€¦


I finally figured it out, it was code in ā€˜app/presenters/profile_presenter.rbā€™ i needed to change.
Thanks for all your advice.