I run a closed pod, I don’t have a lot of bandwidth so I’m restricting access to only close family and friends. The only way to add new users is through invite links.
The invite link has a set number of uses. What can I do when I run out? As the podmin, I figured I should have unlimited invites. I don’t think I’ll add more than 25 users, but who knows what will happen long term.
I also don’t want my users to be able to invite more people. I just don’t want the server to grow to be too big. Is there any way to disable that?
And you can add invites to your user directly at the bottom of the user search (/admins/user_search), and to any user by searching them first at the same place.
Is there any way to decrease the amount of invites a user has?
My current users still have their 25, and I clicked the “add” button for my account and it gave me 100, which is too many. I don’t want someone to forward my link to someone untrustworthy where I then get hundreds of users.
I suppose I can just disable invites altogether unless I’m expecting a new user, so that’s probably what I’ll do if there isn’t a way to decrease the count.
Untested but something like RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails runner 'User.find_by(username: "<your_username>").invitation_code.update(count: <desired amount of invites>)' should work.