I’ve posted on pluspora.com about a problem I and others have had with login sessions being terminated, resulting in some kind of unreadable error message that is what I would call ‘gobbledegeek’ and a complaining email indicating that there has been some kind of lapse in security.
If you read my post and the subsequent comments, you’ll have a good idea of what causes the problem.
Note that I’m not questioning Diaspora’s method of login session management; I’m pointing out that the behaviour, as seen from the user’s point of view, is far from helpful. A screen full of something that looks like XML tells us nothing.
With most, if not all, of the sites I use, if a session lapses, whether it’s due to a timeout or server maintenance, the next time I open a tab linked to that server I either get a message that I’ve been logged out or I get a sign-on page. With Diaspora* it looks like I’m still logged in.
I’d be grateful if the developers would take another look at this and think about it from the user’s point of view. Thanks.