FYI : That’s exactly why I proposed this including on this thread.
@augier @jasonrobinson I find this definition completely arbitrary. Since @jhass has a fair point though (although I personally think this could be achieved through step-by-step-reforms just as well and maybe more easily for reasons I stated above), let’s take the raw material from your old thread, Augier, and make it voteable. Since the most controversial part of your reshare-revision is the one-reshared-post-floods-stream-issue, let’s all go to and collect some ideas. I’m a complete boon in regard to coding, so I need some activity by you people here!
@es , I’ve made a new proposal to modify the reshare feature as to address most issues (including the one on github).
I would also really like this!
As long as what is going to happen to a post is clear then that is important.
i’d also like for this to be a thing which can happen.