Today I updated my server (Rocky Linux release 9.5 (Blue Onyx)) with yum updated which updated apache httpd to 2.4.62 and the proxy seems not to work anymore.
When I start the script/server, it tells me that it listens to tmp/diaspora.sock as intended.
But when I try to access diaspora via the browser, the error logs show up this:
AH01083: error parsing URL http://: Invalid host/port
Might have something to do with a change the apache developers did concerning “SetHandler” for the proxy configuration (see CHANGELOG for 2.4.62), but I have no idea how to fix it.
Here a snippet of my /etc/httpd/conf.d/diaspora.conf file:
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ balancer://upstream%{REQUEST_URI} [P,QSA,L]
<Proxy balancer://upstream>
# Recommended, using a unix socket (Requires Apache >= 2.4)
BalancerMember unix:///home/diaspora/diaspora/tmp/diaspora.sock|http://
# Alternatively let diaspora listen on a local port (Use this for Apache < 2.4)
# BalancerMember http://localhost:3000
Any ideas?
Greetings, Jochen