Hi! One of the first things I’ve done with my diaspora account was to set the default to be public instead of limited, I’ve also been tricked myself, and I think It would make sense to make public the default when creating a new user.
It’s a bug! \o/
The very first, pre-written (#newhere-)post should always be public. After this first post, the default aspect is set to “all aspects”.
I would say it’s fine how it is. I didn’t know about the bug Waithamai is describing but usually it should be this way:
Your very first posting using the “getting started” hints should be public by default so you can easy find new contacts
Every further post is “all aspects” for privacy reasons. You cannot change it after you posted, you cannot “pull it back” after you spreaded maybe private information to the world. But you can repost something to the public you accidentally posted limited. This is a good default.
You can change your default-aspect in the settings. For twitterstyle usage you choose “public” and if you are always posting very private you might choose an empty aspect.
So I tend to say… this is good how it is, maybe it would be okay make this as a podwide setting (if it isn’t) because… there are pods that act twitterlike and there are very private pods (so maybe “family” would be a good default). And there are “general purpose”-Pods (like diasp.org or the like) where every kind of account can be found, for these it’s good as it is I’d say.
Yes, Deus, but the “Your very first posting using the “getting started” hints should be public by default so you can easy find new contacts” part is currently broken. So there’s a fix for that an it’ll work fine again some time soon
I noticed that this kind of things still happen. The reason is that sometimes people make #newhere posts not from the getting started page, but later, when they are told this is the way to greet people on diaspora. What I think is that we could make a UI enhancement that makes a visible warning for every post that contains #newhere tag and which has something other than “Public” in the aspect selection box like:
You’ve entered #newhere hashtag, but your post has limited visibility. Perhaps that is not what you want because #newhere is used to find new contacts and announce your presence while limiting the recepeints makes your post visible only to your contacts and not to the public.
I think this is a good idea and remembers me to thunderbird that warns/reminds me if I use “attachment” in the text and don’t attach anything to the mail.