Rake assets:precompile failing with underscore dependency

Hi. Trying to install on ubuntu on ubuntu 24.1 running in a digital ocean droplet.
I am following the instructions on :

Everything runs fine until I run :

RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/rake tmp:cache:clear assets:precompile --trace .
At this point, the rake is aborted with

Sprockets::FileNotFound: couldn't find file 'underscore/underscore-umd' with type 'application/javascript' (Sprockets::FileNotFound)

I’ve tried multiple solutions to this, such as adding the gem “underscore-rails” and reinstalling the bundle, but nothing seems to work. I know this specific error was raised by another user but they indicate that their error did not affect the server. When I try to run the server, it errors out, indicating, of course, that the assets are not compiled.
Any ideas are very welcome, thanks.

Please show the entire output of assets:precompile, not just the error message.

My bad… I tried to spool diaspora up on the wrong ubuntu version. All is good now.
please disregard.
thanks for getting back.

Can you tell us more? Which version did you use?

If there is something in our docs that we could improve, do let us know, please. :slight_smile:

The (unsupported afaik) version I was using was 24.1. I spooled up a 24.04 version of ubuntu and it went smoothly. I have a pod running in a digital ocean droplet now.

With regard to the digitalocean pod, there was one issue that took me a long time to resolve, that might be worthy of documentation; that was the permissions on the diaspora.sock. I had to change the permissions to allow others to r+x the socket file itself and indeed the parent directory.
specifically : chmod o=rx /home/diaspora/diaspora/tmp
It’s a variation on the problem/solution found here:
ruby on rails - nginx permission denied accessing puma socket that does exist in the correct location - Stack Overflow)
Thanks for your input.

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