Recover my account?

I had.a diaspora account many years ago. I do not remember the pod. I was trying to set up a new account on a new pod and it said that my email address and user name are already in use. I would just go to my old account, but I don’t know how to find it.

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Well if you found a pod that says you’re email address is already in use, you found the pod you were using, no? :slight_smile: Every pod should have a “Forgot your password?” link on the sign in page, where you can enter your email address and you’ll get an email with instructions on how to reset your password.

I was able to find it from a link on an older unused machine, and then reset the password. I thought perhaps that usernames were network wide, but I guess not. I sort of chose the correct pod at random too!

Usernames, as in the part before the @, are indeed only pod-specific. This is why you always need to share your full diaspora* ID, for example, so that other people know what pod you’re on.

Glad you found your account. Welcome back!

I have a similar issue. I have my password and can get a password reset link. Sadly I no longer have the 2FA method I used to sign up and it says my backup codes aren’t right. How do I get back into my account?

Send an email to the person running the pod (check the pod’s usage terms page, that usually does have a contact email address), and ask if they can help.