Tag filtering inconsistency

I am not sure if this is a bug, some transmission error or intended behavior so I decided to post it here to discuss how to investigate it better.

There is a post tagged with several tags among which are #internet #lang-ru #lang_ru. If I search them on my pod I will discover the post with all the tags except #lang_ru.

Same with another pod diasp.org: #internet #lang-ru #lang_ru - it is not discoverable with #lang_ru tag but is with others.

But if we take different post with similar set of tags: #lang_ru #lang-ru #HandsOffVenezuela - it is discoverable by all of them. So it doesn’t look like this is global behavior.

Any ideas? #lang_ru is used as main tag to mark entries in Russian language so it would be nice to be sure there is no problem with it.

It’s because the author escaped the _ with a \, we can see that if we look at the JSON representation of the post: https://deko.cloud/posts/75318.json

Thanks for great clarification, Jonne!

I guess this has something to do with Hubzilla where the post is coming from. Perhaps it will be a good idea to use tags with underscore character less because of this behavior.