Ahoy. If you can read this, it means you have successfully found our Discourse instance. This instance is now our new and official tool for having project discussions.
If you want to get access to your Loomio username, please click here and follow the instructions on screen.
I want to share some additional notes regarding Emails from Discourse here.
Mail digests
Discourse does not send emails for every new thread or response. If you are not active on the site (that is, if the system has not seen you that day), you will get a daily summary of new activities. If you were logged in that day, you won’t receive any mail at all, since the system assumes you are active enough to not spam you with information you’ll see anyway. You can change the interval in which you want to receive the summary digest in your account preferences. You can subscribe to categories and even single topics by using the menu that looks like a empty circle per default:
Mailing list mode
Also in your account preferences, there is a checkbox called “Mailing list mode”. If you enable this mode, you will receive a mail for each new topic and for each new reply, no matter if you have subscribed topics/categories or not. However, you still can mute a category or topic by using the menu shown above.
Reply via email
In contrast to Loomio, it’s actually possible to reply to some mails in Discourse. If mailing list mode is enabled, you can reply to all mails just as you’re used to do on mailing lists. However, you cannot reply to activity summary mails, obvsiously, since the system wouldn’t know were your answers belong to.