Unclear FAQ for users: Can the administrators of other pods see my information? Does this include private posts?

In the FAQ, there is one such question: Can the administrators of other pods see my information?

This, however, is unclear to me: Does this include private posts?

Yes, this includes private posts. You should trust you podmin or, if you don’t want to trust anyone else, run your own pod.

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Thanks for your reply. I think my question really asks about admins of other pods, not my own pods. It seems like your answer is about my own pod.

The same is true for other users and their podmins, so they need to trust their podmin or run their own pods. And they (including their podmin if they don’t run their own pods) can see everything you share with them , so if you share a private post with another person, their podmin theoretically can see it (diaspora doesn’t show it to their podmins, but since they are admins, they could read the information directly out of the database).

Thanks! I’ve made an edit of the FAQ to make it clear.

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