Concerns Re: Abuse & Child Safety

@l4c0f : Please, make me a favor : stop answering everyone to read your documents. I read it. Everyone read it…

Make yourself clear : what do you eventually want ? Security for porn ? It’s already there ! You do not fall face to face with porn on D* unless you searched it ! Meaning you searched the NSFW tag and read the disclaimer saying it actually IS porn.

Nobody can do anything for you, beyond that ! It’s a social network ! Meaning you know poeple post things ! Nobody enforce you to sign up to and you could have same problem with FB ! Content providers are not responsible for things poeple share. We are not police. If you’re a minor finding shocking being able to find porn on Internet, then why are you stil on it ? What do you parents do ?

Personally, I’ve had Internet for 14 years. My parents didn’t let me go on Internet without a supervision. This is a parent’s work, not ours ! You’re not helping to anything. So be constructive and clear : what are you asking ?

Anyway, if you think judges will answer your sollicitation on twitter, or even the High Court of Europe, or even NSA, you’re totally wrong. Figure it out…

This is the place to speak with programmers about code for Diaspora isn’t it?

I began in 83, i know a thing or two… definitely not everything. Yes, Parental supervision… Unfortunate, you actually missed the answer i already gave here… You didn’t even read the comments above.

Given your issue with me or perception of what issues exist i care about it’s equally obvious if you did read the report you still don’t quite understand that.

I’m really not sure how else i can explain security, law and diaspora to you here. I thought this was the place to talk about that stuff. So far i hear opinion and not a single suggestion about code?

I give up & retract my wanting to return. If you can claim to have read things, missed comments above, There is absofrigginlutely no point in me wasting my intelligence on discourse here going nowhere.

Best of luck to you all. Godspeed & Duck & Cover.

What stuff ?! What do you eventually want ?!
You come here, start a thread saying : “Can someone here please respond to my and the communities growing concerns regarding this project?” an post two tweets… This is not a clear proposition.

Question is simple : what do you want ?

OK… Thank You for giving me a clear motive to speak.

As Follows - Needed To Help Legal Issues FIrst:

a.) Allow the US to figure out where JoinDiaspora, Eben Moglen & FSSN stands with nonprofit $ and USC2257 violations. That’s for court, not our discussion.

b.) Revise clear TOS for Diaspora making clear that every pod needs to respect what a minor is in whatever country they’ve come from & give them limited access, ie. No NSFW content.

c.) Use this minor user list to also help alleviate time management constraints for podmins, it’s really a win win as they’d know abuse happened earlier from a minor’s account.

d.) STOP MAKING PODMINS CENSORS: You have an easy much better alternative you could implement which would have allowed people like me to officially use pages on Diaspora.

This is done by code which instead of ignoring a user, blocks a user to respond on a users public page. I even suggested allowing blocked people to be able to reshare from blocked accounts & comments on those. Just not on the public main page of an artist like myself sending kids and charities there.

You use a ‘report’ system and make podmins censor folks. Why? That’s not free speech. That’s not cool.

Don’t make podmins censors because a simple fix to prevent someone’s main page from being abused isn’t implemented yet. That’s where i’m coming from… Protect endusers and also further promote actual free speech.

Another concern take it or leave it, encrypt all info on pods. Podmins should not be able to see content unless clear abuse is noted. That improves security.

EXIF data must be stripped from all uploads, you jeopardize those who post things with GPS coordinates thinking they are safe there. I proved they are not.

You don’t want to know how much info i got on a few of you using completely legal web services in moments. GPS EXIF data largely made that possible FYI.

I hope this infosec lesson helps.

*if i had ever wanted to destroy diaspora, trust me, you’d not be having this discussion. I deleted a ton of info you really don’t want out there. Info i got perfectly legal while there.

I love Diaspora, what it stands for. That’s the entire reason i’ve fought you all each day to change it for the better lol. That’s the god’s honesty friggin’ stone cold truth people.

I love freedom, free speech. Hell, my art is classifiable as a national security concern. I think i’m a bit like you all here in many ways.

Also i think it’s really important i repeat something i had on twitter.

I’d happily try again to use Diaspora as an artist should kids have minor accounts, NSFW blocked for them, abuse can be prevented in comment form on an end users public page regardless of reshares and that discussion i’ve already stated i’d be fine with people trolling my posts… just NOT on my public page. Dig it?

I sent a charity to Diaspora, or tried to. Thank god they didn’t go given these measures are not in place yet. I want them to see someday it is safe & can be a good place for everyone.

That is my ultimate hope, regardless of how difficult it’s become to get there most recently.

I’ll visit here tomorrow. Consider the info, we can all talk further. Let’s make Diaspora awesome, not scary for kids and full of podmin censorship vs simple abuse mechanisms code can fix. :wink:

Ok, so I can only suggest you to submit every single proposition to a vote. There, it will be constructive.
But do not forget that D* is community developped. If your propositions aren’t accepted, you will only have to stop harassing poeple. This is what we call Democracy, something you pretend to be proud to defend in the USA, so respect it.

Anyway, I can give you my opinion on these propositions :
1 - Impossible : that law concern " Whoever produces any book, magazine, periodical, film, videotape, digital image, digitally- or computer-manipulated image of an actual human being, picture, or other matter" ; pretty clear : D* community do not produce any content instead of code. Not the foundation’s concern.

2 - Again : D* is a software not a service, it doesn’t have TOS. Up to the pod admin, not the community’s or foundation concern.

3 - D* is designed to respect private life, meaning that the software doesn’t ask, by default, age submission. I don’t know if it can be done, but only if this feature is complitely optionnal, so up to the pod admin. Again : we are not parents of the children visiting D* pods, not up to us to force user to give information. I’m strongly opposed.

4 - I think you didn’t understand what is a free software : we provide functionnalities, up to the user to use them or not. Again, D* is not designed to force anyone to do anything. Strongly opposed. Free speach doesn’t mean you must force anyone to listen to you. It only means that the Government cannot prevent to speak. If you’re not happy with a podmin’s policy, go elsewhere. That’s not Facebook, we do not lock you.

5 - About encryption, I can’t adjudicate on that.

6 - Remove images metadata seems to be good idea. Sounds good to me.

Oh… Final comment for tonight for reals i am tired as hell now. I tried to show people a year ago there Steganography and how it can alleviate privacy concerns. I tried again, noted in my report. No one got it.

If anyone associated with this project does understand the tools, and feels they can teach others i would like to see that happen. Now, i’m probably pissing the NSA off by suggesting this given it’s classified as a threat, but, i feel it’s another valuable tool we all have regardless of border, view, etc.

Perhaps someone could hold a ‘how to make sure EXIF data is removed & why + how to for them on ALL Sites for education & teach basic encryption techniques such as stenography. This way people can post encrypted pics that only others know how to decode. It’s kinda’ the solution all you Snowden fans are seeking. I personally want to fight that man MMA style lol.


Also The tools i use, methods i’ve formed & degree of encryption i am unable to share with valid national security concerns. So i can not be that teacher, please understand why.

The government can prevent you to speak on Diaspora lol, quite easily. In fact it’s almost sad how easily.

I could easily teach them to aggregate every social media site you’ve ever used in realtime despite every nym you’ve used lol. I did it half asleep with great success out of curiosity of whom was abusing me.

It’s literally that easy, you, your friends, loved ones… anyone can figure it out. I did, i never reported on or saved any private info. My report was on public things i saw / experienced on my page directly and in community stream.

Again, take my advice or leave it. Just know, you’re far less secure, anonymous or free than you believe. I can prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt. Others now understand this and your security diminishes exponentially by the day until / unless you fix it.

InfoSec 101

Man, stop considering us as dumbs… We don’t care what your government can or cannot. Definitly not the topic…

Just propose things or leave… This place is not for politics…

I don’t consider you dumb, If i did i wouldn’t waste my time here with 32 years of computing experience lol.

It’s not about politics, you still fail to see your weaknesses, you don’t patch them, your pods are not secure, your users are misinformed & kids don’t get warned.

You can support a crappy half ass failing wanna’ be alternative to whatever you think everyone else is and i support that. I just happend to care enough about the concept behind Diaspora to try to help you improve security, safety & alleviate parents concerns.

If you are afraid to try, can’t read a report, see your flaws & grow that’s entirely your deal. My life won’t be affected either way. I’m going back to Google lol since nym wars ceased.

Keep your current course, lose my help and those programmers who otherwise would support you all if you handled yourselves differently on these issues. You have no idea how many people are by the minute seeing all this… It’s sad instead you take this opportunity to not read, resist positive change and even consider opening it for community discussion. That’s a definite fail.

Try to vote, instead of being the only 2, 3 voices here. it’s called ‘community’. You should know that.

Honestly, i think from here on out you all need to discuss this without me here. I’ve given all the advice & links to info i have. Take it or leave it, any of it, whenever, or not.

I tried as hard as i could here. Hopefully one day someone here understands, pushes for change and makes Diaspora an actual cool, free speech platform, not podmin censors & porn for kids lol. WTF people lol.

There’s no need to create a proposal on ToS for pods because we’ve already voted for that, and it’s being worked on:

(This may well be the case for some of the other items as well, but there’s no way I’m going to read through all the many long posts above…)

@l4c0f : If you feel concerned about a vote please click the button “Submit a new proposition” on the right side of this page. ->

If not, well we are really sorry to see you leave… Really, your 32 years of experience in computer science have been a great help so far and I’m really sad they leave but life is life… Well let’s not make the farewells last forever. Good luck !

Oh, before leaving, please don’t forget your “lol” words… Not we don’t appriciate them but… Well… They are not the best part of your 32’s…

Augier, I was directed to come here to raise this topic to those who program. I’m an artist, a multimedia artist, former musician of 25 years who released video & audio solo.

This really isn’t my deal. I am an enduser who wanted to use Diaspora for my art. I just happen to also have skills which relate to how i can point you in the right direction.

If you all choose to dismiss it because i’m not a rubyonrails lover, don’t care about code here & am far more interested in infosec, art & cryptography which you all admit isn’t really your deal w/ Diaspora… it’s your loss.

What you do is your deal, I however am much more interested in cryptography & security & applications within those scopes… I don’t want to build Diaspora, i want to use it again when i can and it’s better.

I hope that helps you understand why i feel my work here is done. I’ve nothing else to contribute. You all ponder it, vote, etc. do or not. Your choice… I’m going back to what i love… Stumping quantum computers with multiple cryptographic tools i adore. That’s my zen :wink:

Yeah, we clearly understood that you leaving will come to a great loss ! I swear ! Now stop arguing, click on the button on the right to submit a proposition to vote, or return to your art being not abusing children.

I’m not voting on jack shit lol.

After this evening, fuck it man, delete the thread and return to your life. For reals, I care that little after obviously realizing none of you understand a thing i say.

Diaspora is obviously a dead project, You all proved that tonight. Whatevs… Your loss, not mine. I got Google, they fucking rock :slight_smile:

BTW… Awesome security responses here, that was super impressive. It went on my fridge with a gold n00b star lol.

So is it Augier or Jason that trolls next?

Dudes, just delete this topic. You’re too ignorant to be helped.

Last I checked the EXIF data (that could be identifying: lat/long, that sort of thing) is scrubbed from images uploaded to the service.