Diaspora* hackathon at the Mozilla Paris office

@flaburgan so, it’s only a few days till the hackathon. Do you have details on what happens on Thursday? Would be nice to know before arriving there knocking at the door of Mozilla. I’ve tried to spam the hackathon a lot and quite a few have asked about coming so it would also be embarrassing having other people also knock on the door… :wink:

I’ll be picking up my travel wifi box nearby at 9.30’ish in the morning, so will be at the mozilla office prob 10.30 - 11 latest.

Hi Augier, sorry for the delay. Here are my suggested edits for your text, if they’re still useful:

Hello, everyone. I’m currently standing inside the Mozilla office of Paris, which is located on the Boulevard Montmartre.

The Boulevard Montmartre is one of Paris’s four Grands Boulevards – wide streets built between 1668 and 1705.

The Mozilla offices are located inside the Hôtel de Mercy-Argenteau, which was built in 1778 by the architect Firmin Perlin.

This building is a monument classé. In France, a monument classé is a monument which is considered to possess high cultural and historical significance. Hence, the building is protected by law. It would, for instance, be forbidden for Mozilla to remove the wood from the building’s walls.

Mozilla moved in this beautiful location in 2013 and, this week-end, the very first diaspora hackathon will take place here.

Still useful. Hackthon is next week-end. :wink:
Thanks a lot.

Oops, that first sentence should read ‘the Mozilla office in [not ‘of’] Paris’.


An update post: https://pod.diaspora.software/posts/21630

@joebew , @aurelieginioux - have you considered coming over, you mentioned yourself earlier in this thread as maybe? :slight_smile:

I have just published a blog post, as this seemed like a good event for Diaspora to blog about!

Awesome @goob this blog post is perfect! Thank you very much!

It was only copied from the DHQ posts about the hackathon, with a bit of editing. I can’t claim credit for it! (Sorry, didn’t think to mention that yesterday.)

Hope you all have fun at the hackathon, and I look forward to using the new API and migrating my account on Monday! :stuck_out_tongue: