DiasporaHQ account - move to a project pod?

@jasonrobinson Ho! No … I do not intend to propose a new domain, just that I like to see this resolved as soon as possible and in the best way, all the people being happy with the results. loomio t is limited.

The polls system loomio is limited for this deciciones

@juansantiago Let’s not sidetrack this discussion with that. If you want to suggest a (concrete) better decision making platform we should transition to in your opinion, do so in a separate discussion.


Sorry, I do not intend to divert, and I have no serivce with loomio, I only speak of this particular discussion

Just to notify everyone, diaspora.info is available.

Just to notify everyone, diaspora.info is available.

For $450… A bit pricey maybe but those who want this option please vote for “other” here. Let’s see if we get a clear majority or not on one of the options here.

Doesn’t @jhass already own diaspora.social? And if so, will he allow it to be used?

@goob I’d like to have .social as an open pod once I find/can afford the hardware for that.

That’s fair enough. Thanks for the reply.


They all kind of sound sketchy at best.

Then you might want to vote for block :wink:

With the federation of JD.com being even worse now than it was before the v5 upgrade, I think this shift to a different pod is absolutely critical now.


We’re not a foundation and it doesn’t look very likely there will be a foundation centred on Diaspora?

“Foundation” just means non-profit for the majority of the users. We are volunteers, we are non-profit. How we manage legally the project is our business, with the FSSN or with our own structure doesn’t change anything, it’s just some legal stuff. I don’t feel like I lie to people when I talk about volunteers of diaspora* organized as a foundation. We can certainly improve the legal organization, but I don’t see why we should abandon this domain, and it looks like at least @deadsuperhero and @davidmorley think that too.

I think you miss part of the point @flaburgan . Diaspora has really matured as a software project, but as a social network it’s not Diaspora any more - we’re dealing with a larger network of different servers now and hopefully that will continue. Any foundation, legal or not, should be related to that, not the Diaspora software.

Of course, contributing to Diaspora, or any other federated social network, you are contributing to both. But I’ve just raised this issue with the domain because moving the project official account for Diaspora to something that is called foundation imho is wrong.

But that is why this discussion exists and discussion can always be continued for a long time.

we’re dealing with a larger network of different servers now and hopefully that will continue. Any foundation, legal or not, should be related to that, not the Diaspora software.

Why? The federation is about the protocol. diaspora* is the software. That’s fine. Nginx and Apache are both http servers. There is a foundation to manage both project. Of course, there is also another entity to manage the http standard itself. You think a foundation is needed to manage the protocol using the name “The Federation”. This could be a good idea and I support you. But I don’t see why we can’t have a diaspora* foundation, as well as a Redmatrix foundation, and maybe to see both collaborate on “The federation” (which may or may not need a legal structure, I don’t know).

moving the project official account for Diaspora to something that is called foundation imho is wrong.

It’s wrong only if the foundation aims to manage The Federation. If it manages the diaspora* software, I don’t see what’s wrong.

To me, it looks like everything can be summarize to this point: do we want to have a “foundation” (held by FSSN or directly by ourselves) to manage the diaspora* software, or do we want to jump directly to the next step and create an official structure to promote and work on a decentralized protocol called The Federation.

In my opinion, we should start small with diaspora* itself. Maybe the current situation is even enough? We didn’t talk about the FSSN and how things are going for a while (time to relaunch IRC meetings?).

Anyway, I don’t see why we can’t have both: a structure for diaspora* (maybe only managed by FSSN, maybe more, but which will be described on diasporafoundation.org anyway) and a structure for The Federation (you could use the-federation.info that you already own to give more explanation about it).

If we are in that case, then it seems logical that diasporaHQ, the account which gives news about the diaspora software, should be on diasporafoundation.org.

In my opinion, we should start small with diaspora* itself. Maybe the current situation is even enough?

I think the current situation is awesome. Diaspora is doing well, lots of amazing things happening. We have amazing software contributors and especially amazing people maintaining the code. We have amazing non-code contributors helping with all kinds of things.

If we are in that case, then it seems logical that diasporaHQ, the account which gives news about the diaspora software, should be on diasporafoundation.org.

“news about diaspora software” … then I think diaspora.software really does sound good :wink:

A business that until now we do not talk.

Do you think good idea that the new pod, has accounts in different languages?

Official Diaspora (English)
Diaspora official translation into Spanish
Diaspora official Arabic translation
etc, etc.

“news about diaspora software” … then I think diaspora.software really does sound good :wink:

It does, and would maybe have my preference if we would have to choose a domain from nothing. But we already have an official website, with multiple subdomains. This website has a SEO rate, is linked on tons of websites, and the domain is not that bad (it’s even pretty good). So I think that to change everything (website, wiki, yatra, etc…) from the actual domain to a new one is a big mistake in term of visibility and is an extract work that we can avoid. So, if you agree until here, the conclusion is, we keep diasporafoundation.org as it is now.

Then, I think that pod.**** should be on diasporafoundation.org, because to create another official website is really confusing for everybody.

To add to my comment in my vote (ran out of room):

If the decision is taken to promote diaspora as software rather than anything else, would diaspora.app be available? It is a web app, and this sounds better to me. diaspora.software just sounds clunky, I’m afraid. I think it would also discourage a lot of non-technical people from engaging with the project.

Perhaps we should make another concerted effort to contact the owner of diasporaproject.org. That is a good, neutral-sounding name, which would fit well (and was indeed the publicised project domain for a couple of years).

My block vote on moving the domain at all still applies unless and until it is certain that jd.com cannot be improved sufficiently in a reasonable time.

I’d personally avoid a domain ending in ‘.app’ as 99.9% of the world associates an app as being something they install on their smartphone.

I’m also not too sure how relevant or important the domain name of this new pod actually is. The end result of all this is simply that people will be seeing messages in their stream from an account called DiasporaHQ - the domain name on which that account resides is largely irrelevant to them.

Oh, and can we please save any discussions about foundations, companies, FSSN, organisations, etc for a different (and relevant) thread. This is vote is simply about which domain name to use for the DiasporaHQ account.

Oh, and can we please save any discussions about foundations, companies, FSSN, organisations, etc for a different (and relevant) thread. This is vote is simply about which domain name to use for the DiasporaHQ account.

Yep, the pod doesn’t have to be on the same domain as the official project account. No one will even use the pod address except inside federated social networks to search for the profile using the handle.