GSoC 2015

So, GSoC is open to organizations and the deadline is February 20 at 19:00 UTC (11am PST).

If someone who knows the diaspora* source and architecture well enough wants to mentor, please speak up and lets apply :slight_smile: No point in discussing whether we “should” apply, of course we should - but someone needs to volunteer as a mentor before anything else makes sense to be discussed.

Note: This discussion was imported from Loomio. Click here to view the original discussion.

I can be a mentor. I would prefer the client side, but mentoring someone on server side doesn’t scare me either. Should we propose some tasks?
I can allocate about 4-6 hours each week.

How does this work ?

How does this work ?

@augier I was a mentor before and I’ll try to briefly describe the process. More can be read from gsoc website.

  1. Google asks Free Software projects to apply.
  2. Interested projects finds mentors and project ideas.
  3. Google selects organizations from those who apply.
  4. Students apply for projects with selected organizations.
  5. Organizations prioritize and evaluates applications. They may assign small tasks to test the students’ abilities.
  6. Each organization can ask Google to give them slots based on good proposals.
  7. Google alotts slots to organizations.
  8. There will be a mid term evaluation and final evaluation.
  9. Each project can set rules for student interaction and reports.
  10. Completed projects are paid 5000 US$ and organizations get 500 US$.

Let me know if you want to know more.

Just read through and I didn’t see anything that would stop us from applying.

I can volunteer to be one of the administrators towards Google - one other would be needed. This is for communicating and also to assign a new mentor in case the selected mentor becomes unavailable.

@dumitruursu they say mentors should expect approx 5 hours per week per student. I guess one student would be good then :slight_smile:

We would need to propose some tasks - this is a requirement for applying to collect those into a list so students can see them easily. Proposals?

I can help or handle the application towards GSoC.

Just some things from the top of my head:

  • Port to BS3
  • a proper REST API (right now we have a mess, sprinkled across models and controllers)
  • separation of the federation stuff as a Rails engine

I’m not sure if the first one is hard enough for 3 months of work, and maybe the last 2 ones are too hard.

Port to BS3 is not that easy. There’s still some part of the UI that are not even finished to be ported to BS. Firstly stream and header.
I like the idea ! Let’s apply !

Do students can choose the project they’ll wor on ?
Because if everyone is ok and it doesn’t require to be full time on the code (I wont have holidays this summer), I’d like to apply as student (ans I admit that 5000 USD would help me a lot).

@jasonrobinson I can volunteer to be a backup admin.

@augier yes, students can choose ideas from list or propose their own ideas.

@augier gsoc is supposed to be full time work for three months. Again that depends on the project though

Ok, this is what I feared :confused:
Too bad for me :stuck_out_tongue:

@augier - during this period, we don’t have holidays in india either. but a lot of students do participate in gsoc and they performs well. so I don’t think that the lack of holidays will be a problem.

@jasonrobinson @ @praveenarimbrathod today(20-02-2015 19:00 UTC (11am PST)) is the last date to submit the application. I think we should hurry if we haven’t submitted the application yet.

Sorry everyone about not moving with the application. Been sick for last 3 days. I will draft it tomorrow as early as possible. Then gather some issues too and post here. But I will have to send the application asap without waiting too much for discussion regarding the list of issues - deadline.

If anyone wants to help list issue links here WITH a little description (one-two lines on what the aim is) too, that would be awesome, thanks. I think we should avoid huge things like API, etc… Those things cannot be done by some people coming outside from the project for a few months. The issues need to be easy take take on.

@hrishikeshakastult it’s 19.00 UTC, plenty of time :wink:

@hrishikeshakastult Many universities have holidays in india during summer.

@akashagrawall - I don’t think that you’ll get the whole three months. I was an org admin and mentor for the past two years. every student were balancing gsoc and classes (even exams were there for a few of them) and they did it pretty well.

the point is, you CAN do gsoc even if you have classes in summer :slight_smile:

Your application process is now complete. Good luck! You can modify your answers before 2015-03-02 00:00:00.


Thanks @dumitruursu for the help :slight_smile:

The ideas list is here: Archive:GSoC 2015 - diaspora* project wiki

It could use some love. I just chose, in panic, some of the most requested sane features. Feel free to remove / edit / improve. But PLEASE, keep the same kind of formatting and put a description for the issue. Also I still don’t think putting things which require extreme knowledge in the diaspora* code into this list. Like API, etc.

This is acceptable.

Also, you forgot @augier. He lend a helping hand too.

@hrishikeshakastult True that. :slight_smile: